Here are some Frequently Asked Questions we get here at the Resort! We hope that by reading through some of these you will get your questions answered and if not we would love to hear from you! Contact us on our Social Media channels with any questions you may have and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
- Where can I rent a surfboard/wetsuit? Cleanline Surfshop is best, Cannon Beach surf and Mercantile also rents them.
- What is there to do in Cannon Beach? Main draws to Cannon Beach are the beautiful natural scenery, the wonderful art galleries, some of the top-rated restaurants on the Oregon coast and the peaceful small town setting.
- Is there any hiking close by? Check out our Top Hikes in Cannon Beach blog post!
- When are the whales here? They have two migrations throughout the year. They are heading south Mid December through January, and they are heading north from late march through June.
- When are the puffins here? Mid April through August.
- What time is low tide? There are two low tides per day. We have tide guides at the front desk. Or check here for a time table online.
- What is the weather going to be in two months? This part of the Oregon Coast is a temperate rainforest. Weather forecasts more than 1 or 2 days out are unreliable. We suggest checking out the weather forecast from previous years to determine the weather. We typically have great blue skies from May-Sept.
- How come there is no fast food in Cannon Beach? City ordinances prevent franchises and large corporations from opening in Cannon Beach. This preserves the small town feel that many visitors to Cannon Beach have come to expect and enjoy.
- Which restaurant delivers to the hotel? Fultano’s Pizza and Surfcrest Market. Almost all restaurants do carry out orders.
- How tall is Haystack Rock? Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach is 235 feet tall and is accessible by foot during low tide. Haystack Rock in Cannon beach is claimed to be the third largest monolith that can be reached by land. It is located just north of two smaller rock formations called the Needles.
- Can you climb Haystack Rock? Not any longer. It is now a Protected Wildlife Refuge.
- What is that building out on the island? Tillamook Head Light House. It is inactive now. The Cannon Beach History Center and Museum has some great information as well as a scale model.
- Where is the beach they filmed the Twilight films at? In Ecola State Park, the north part of the park is Indian Beach. It is also where some of the beach scenes from The Goonie’s were filmed.
- Can we have bonfires on the beach? Yes. It is a popular evening activity, and you can get your supplies from the front desk.
- What is the Ocean temperature? Although it changes throughout the year an average Ocean temp is 57 degrees Fahrenheit.
Now that you’re an expert in all things Cannon Beach, it’s time to plan your next stay at Hallmark. Book Today!